Comments : Mother Dearest

  • 17 years ago

    by Amy Adele

    Wow this sounds to the tee my mother... And she says she is always moving to texas to be with my better sister, how ironic?
    cant give this a 5, i give this a 100%


  • 17 years ago

    by Dee

    Thank you for commenting on my poem. I always read poems from ones who take the time to read mine. You write very well but as an oldie - I just don't get the cutting stuff. It makes me wonder how anything I write would make sense to you.

    But thank you again for commenting. You are a strong writer and even though the cutting is not my thing, you have a great strength within you.

    My daughter is only five but when she hits her teenage years - I hope she does not call me mommy dearest. I gave you a 5.0 excellent!

  • 17 years ago

    by halie

    Aww that wuz sad
    but very good
    it had a lot of emotions
    i loved it

  • 17 years ago

    by halie

    Aww that wuz sad
    but very good
    it had a lot of emotions
    i loved it