Continuous ending

by Cotton Candy Clouds   Dec 24, 2007

I start listening to my music with my friends
you know acting all crazy starting to shout
then a slow song comes on and it happens
my mind is overcome with all these doubts

you is what my focus turns to
i just start feeling all degraded
i had thought i was finally strong
and all those memories had finally faded
but everything was brought out by that song

i immediately start to reminisce
about all the times we shared
and the love between us that
to this day still seems to exists

i cant help it a tear seems to escape
i tried but i cant keep it held inside anymore
i know that i still love you but this isn't right
how could i love someone who threw me to the floor?

the way you treated me was all wrong
i knew that i shouldn't have loved you
at all but how was i to know everything
you had said to me wasn't true?

should i look for someone else
and just keep this all to myself?
or would that be morally wrong
should i just let this agony prolong?

you know the reason i left
you admit you crossed the line
if you just wouldn't of pushed
for it so bad we would be fine

you knew i was uncomfortable
yet you kept going without any cares
i didn't want any of that to happen
and to this pain nothing compares

i am forced to drift back to reality
because the song finally decided to end
i have to come to a conclusion and i decide
to just give my heart more time to mend

im hoping over time ill get my answer
to help me be able to put this in my past
did you mean anything you said?
or will i discover the reality i dread?

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  • 16 years ago

    by withlove

    I really like it! i can relate to so much of what u said. the same thing just happened to me today
    i really like how the titles kind of an oxymoron but still makes so much sense and fits the poem so well
    good job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    This poem was very well written, great job!

    It looks like you spent a lot of time on this piece and i enjoyed reading it XD