I never knew

by Hollywood   Dec 24, 2007

I never new that you could mean so much to me
i never thought that i would ever love you
you were just another friend but then after all those long talks on the phone and hanging out together all the time i fell in love
i fell in love with your smile,i fell in love with your hair,your eyes and your personality i love the way you make me feel.you make me feel like no one else has ever made me feel.
i have paticence for you i have that strong bond with you and your family =! i never knew that i would ever fall in love with you!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    This poem is great, but a bit surface. Your topic is a good one, and i am sure it is filled with tons of emotion, as a reader I want to see that emotion more! Often times figurative language, similes, metaphors, and taking advantage of the connotation of words can really bring the poem up a level. Great poem, wonderful start.

  • 16 years ago

    by halie

    Lol wow talk about way to much in common!!

    this fits my guy best friend perfectly!

    loved it!!

  • 17 years ago

    by CWG

    Very sweet touching poem and very well written. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by AndreaDanielle

    Whoa we are so in the same situation...
    i think ima dedicate this one to my guy alex...
    but of course tell him it was written by you...
    plagearism...so stupid...but yeah...briana thinks we should all write one poem together too...just say when...

  • 17 years ago

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    I HATE falling for my friends, its sumthin that happens all too much, ugh, good poem tho