by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT   Dec 25, 2007

Let me write something important, from the bottom of my heart, first of the top, a special child came in my life that I wouldn't regret to have.

Back of the time, I was eighteen and going to be senior.

During the time, I was in love with this dude

Not mean to be rude to say we made love

Like that girl, independent's poem "The best night"

But it was in the summer and thought it won't hurt my fun

Just bummer I found out

I was positive on the stick in month later

That night told my mom, it wasn't greater consequence

I decided to keep the baby, my boo's mom wanted abortion

My feelings became distortion in the crazy drama

She ain't my momma and she gave me choices

To think needed rejoice to say better way

Which I have voice to say no before she say something

The choices I was refuse to hear with no fear

was to have a baby and my boyfriend will be taken away

Or have no baby and my boyfriend stay with me

I see tear from my boyfriend's eye

I couldn't even think why is this happening

He couldn't blink it is really happening

We hold each other so close

our feelings we have for each others does show

We know what we want, we chose to stay together

Most of all, we are going to grow a baby inside of me

My mom can't do nothing, I felt those sadness in her.

His mom couldn't stop us, she detest our lives, we glow.

She stressed me to kill a child

Every hour, is just depressed I don't see smile

I guess my mom became less worried

not to mess with my head Not to success

my life the way she wanted me to live for

A Month later pass by, I feel good to keep the baby

For what I stood up for myself for the first time

That I would never let no one control me

I still have a whole life, I still can go for my goals

It is in my soul I can still fight for my dreams

Five months pregnant, I want to know what the sex

my mom accepted me for no matter what.

She came with me to find out

She is one of the kind I loved

We became excited, already have a name ready

I got butterflies that making me nervous

I cried before I knew, kept thinking ultra sound in my mind

Trying to figure in the picture if it's a boy or a girl

Doctor says, you really wanted to know?

I think I'll be silly if I say no

He said you are going to have a girl

My mom said she is going to be so pearl

4 months later, on March 18th, 2007 9:15pm

No epidural, just pain to scream

The moment I saw her, everything was over.

Her daddy held her first and I look at them beautiful

I've enjoyed each month of pregnancy

And finally I can see her in my arms I've been waiting for

I don't regret to have her welcome in my life

My love and I got beautiful adorable healthy daughter

Which we able let our life begun seem to forget the past.

There she is, finally here.

Jayda Faith cunningham

6 pounds, 10 oz and 19 inches..

(Now she is 9 months and she's happy baby always smile, and she blessed and I am da luckiest mom in the world! I LOVE MY JAYDALICIOUS!!!)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Always and Never

    Awww, that was so sweet. I cant have babys, so im glad you kept her... It's unfair that the people that want kids cant have em, so im glad you made your decision. great poem story, and thanks for my comment

  • 17 years ago

    by neo

    Not a breeder is me....nice that YOU as A LADY stood up for what YOU felt was right. So happy for you & yur child

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    This poem is sad at first but im glad the way it ended aww!

  • 17 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Omg.. i love this. i know the feelin. i went through this. its crazi.. and i id the same, i let her daddy hold her first... great poem i trully love this

  • 17 years ago

    by KATIE



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