So Called Perfect Girl! </3

by Christina   Dec 26, 2007

They look at her
They see perfection
She looks at herself
She sees all lies

At school people say she's popular
People say she's pretty
She thinks she's just an ordinary girl
She thinks she's no beauty

All the guys want to date her
Of course they love her body
She only wants one guy
She thinks the rest want her for sex

She has the long blonde hair
The big bright blue eyes
The long legs
And the straight white smile

People call her Barbie
Well she might as well be one
How perfect THEY think she is
But their wrong

At home she sits in her room
Crying a river
Promising herself one last time
But it's never the last time

She wears sweaters
And long sleeved shirts
To hide the cuts
That cover her arms

The one person she thought cared for her
Turned his back on her once or twice
And she wonders if he might
Do it again

He's the only one
That knows everything
About her
And all the horrible things she's done

She knows it hurts him
Probably more than it hurts

And people look at this girl
And think she's perfect
She's far from perfect
As you can see

You wonder how
She could do such
A horrible thing
it's one word, HIM

He tears her down inside
Although he doesn't know it
And he doesn't try
It's just the decisions he makes that hurt her

She loves him very much
And couldn't live a day
without him
As far as she thinks

She wrote a suicide note
And lets just say
That's the last thing
She wrote


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    Oh this was truly so so sad. i loved how you told a story from both the perspective of the world and the girl who is misunderstood by the world.

    a very tragic tale which happens all to often. i absolutely loved it. your style of writing is absolutely stunning and you really have a lot of talent!!

    this was a very powerful piece from start to end, i particularly liked you ending. great job, wish i could give you more than just a 5!! take care

  • 16 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    She thinks she's no beauty
    ^ This line seemed too forced.
    Other than that, pretty good. Still,
    can use some work but better than
    the last poem I read. Just keep
    trying hun. And try and be more creative,
    if you are going to write a cliche poem,
    try and mix it up and use bigger words
    but keep it simple.

  • 16 years ago

    by hadia

    Woahhh, thats real good.
    but real sad at the same time.

  • 17 years ago

    by AJ

    This is very emotional poem, great job... i know who its about too. btw you are beautiful

  • 17 years ago

    by twistedlover

    Some issues with the flow, not to many, i liked it and mental pictures of many of the girls at my school kept running through my head as i read this, 5/5