What Happened?

by NotADayGoesBy   Dec 26, 2007

Remember all the times we would run around stores acting stupid not caring what anyone thought of us?
Remember how the 3 of us couldn't be separated?
So what happened?
The 3 of us were the best of friends. When school started we were all good. Then a month later it started going down hill. You became friends with her again. You changed. Everyone saw it but you. When you finally see it, I will be here. I am the only one that still believes that you will see what you have become. Everyone else gave up on you. But I never did, and I never will. But if you do wait to long then I will give up on you. So please hurry.


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  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    Datz exactly wat happened to me and my friend.. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Im So OVER IT

    Wow. Your poem reminded me of what happened between me and my other two friends, and we arent friends anymore..I love the poem it was good and it was deep..your really good.Keep it up