One Thing [Original]

by LOVEcanHEALorKILL   Dec 26, 2007

You say you love me
That your in love with me
Yet you love someone else
at the same time
You & her have known each other
Longer then you & me...
I didn't wanna get healed then broken
... all over again
That's what guys like you do
Sweet, nice & funny
Not to forget hot...
You play with girls like me
Just to see if you can break us
Make us cry like no one else can

I do love you
I'm in love with you
but I don't want a repeat
Have a guy say "I love you"
"I'm in love with you"
and drag me along like a...
Little puppy on a leash
Then break my heart
And expect me to move on

I can't go through another one
I would die, perish my heart
I got hurt enough
I can't handle another one
another heart break
another drag along

Don't hurt me
Protect me,
Help me,
Love me truly
Like I do you

Just promise me one thing...
Don't be lying


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by LOVEcanHEALorKILL

    Sum! yeah, it is sad. thanks, I hope too. I'm glad u found Adam! he makes u happy! :)

  • 17 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    Jen-Jen!. This one almost made me cry. Sadly enough some guys will be fat-butt jerks like that. I truly hope you do find a guy who will stick with you and truly make you happy!
