Take a stand

by Just a girl   Dec 26, 2007

We could just go deep inside our heads,
make ourselves invisible from overhead and figure things out.
We don't need some stupid lecture,
about something that was a mistake.
We gonna fight you anyway we can,
we have that right to open our mouths and take a stand.
Out of the darkness a voice is heard, and that voice is loud and clear.
Now thats shes's heard she'll take her stand, and tell you all shes not wrong.
You can't blame her for being a mistake, everyone has a purpose in their own special way.
Well its not easy being you, its even harder to be someone you're not.

Everyone makes mistakes, whether they bleed or burn.
Let them learn, let them learn they were wrong
and didnt punish them, but give them help and show you understand.
didnt seem it their faces, you'll just make it worse :[

-- my friends work of art hope u like it
----by: Chelsea


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  • 13 years ago

    by Just a girl

    I will tell her, thank you.

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Tell her shes a good writer it was a great message expressed very well 5/5