Comments : Parents.....My Story

  • 17 years ago

    by Makesha

    I love this poem. it shows emotion and true characteristic. it show stuff that happens in everyday life and thas why i love it.

  • 17 years ago

    by XxNeverlettinyougoxX

    I dont know you but i love this poem that you wrote, and i think that you are very brave

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie Naylor

    Crystal, you kno i love u, and i wish i could take u away from everything tht has happened to you, and everything tht is currently hurting you, b cuz i love u to much, and i hate theres notthing tht i can do, but like i said, u ever need me, call me, 654-6291

  • 17 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    Poem wise, I think the lirics, the flow could have been better.

    Emotional wise, you really captured my attention..

    Personally I could relate to some extent

    For your sake -- if this is about you, if this is all true, which im ossuming it is,
    you're going to have to find your feet,
    Find your voice now for you have a long time to live and you need to get OUT.

    If you need any advice or jus twant to talk,
    pm me....
    I'm one of the ones that made it past

    but if not thats cool

  • 17 years ago

    by letmedie2night

    Thats a really good and emotional poem im sorry to hear of your pain its like that for me but hey dont worry about it keep your head up and smile even if it hurts. your not alone with this pain my friend