Comments : Flawless Girl [monotetra]

  • 17 years ago

    by Void

    Alright, well, can't say I'm all too impressed by your manners - but your writing skill is pretty good :P. The only thing I really noticed, is the lack of grammar. You say in your profile that you write because you can. As much as I admire that, I wish you would put more thought into the sound and speed at which your words are being read. Of course, you might read them a certain way, it doesn't mean everyone else does. You need to tell them where to stop..... <--that being one way (that you probably shouldn't use as often as I do :P...) For example, it all starts in your first stanza:

    Her hair is blowing in the wind
    So fair so soft her glowing skin
    Impossible for her to sin
    She's innocent, she's innocent

    I would Love to see you put in some coma's on your second line:

    So fair, so soft, her glowing skin.

    Because even though read it with a nice flow when you write it, your readers are left to figure it out after they find the meaning. And that only detaches them from your words. Trust me on this.
    Secondly, most of your stanzas follow a particular subject matter. Of course your poem is about a wonderful girl; but your first stanza is about her innocence. Your third stanza is about her being oblivious to her own brilliance. The last stanza about no man in the world being good enough to keep her.
    So, what about your second stanza? The first three lines follow eachother nicely. They're all about the physical beauty of this girl... Why end that in 'She's so kind, she's so kind".
    Try to think of something that lets it remain on the physical factors so the ending makes more sensep; thus the stanza will be stronger.

    Anyways, when it all comes down to it, I'd say just take another look over it and see if you can pinpoint what I'm trying to say. It's a great write, and I'm quite impressed. I'm not any better of a writer myself, so don't take my opinions too close to heart. Just thought I'd give you the two cents you asked for.
    Happy Holidays. :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Void

    :) Much better. And I like what you did with the word 'grace'. After telling you to change that I was trying to come up with something to help you out a bit, but I was way too tired.

  • 17 years ago

    by StonedGooberz

    A poem format ive never seen before 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Shinobi

    I liked the way you described the girl. As most poem do, you described a perfect girl: modest, beautiful and understanding. All flow and rhymes went well with the meaning. Nice piece 5/5

  • Wow, this poem was absolutely amazing. It's very descriptive of how the girl is. The flow and the emotion were very powerful. Great job! 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Aw! This made me smile big!
    I think it's flawlesssss :]
    It kinda reminds me of my poem "Persuading Act" Just.. opposite. HAHA.

    It's great, it really is. The flow was amazing. But, It could've repeated a bit less.

    Other than that, I absolutely loved it. Especially, the ending :]