Tired of the pain

by Faye   Dec 27, 2007

Tired of the pain.
A Girl, Woe and Hurt.
Always thinking, always hiding.
. . . .Behind the mask.

People ask her how she feels,
She tells them---Loud voices [just more yells]
Never good enough.
But always holding her head up high.

No scars in her book called her wrist,
none***for almost a year.
Next thing you know. . .The thoughts are back.
~Will they GO AWAY??

Will she ever be excepted?
Will the L.O.V.E. for her ever >Show<??
When will they understand?
Why cant things be better???

Jst another girl stuck in this world.
Hurt, Woe, pissed off at the ones who dont understand.
Trying to keep going, Trying not to give up.
But how much longer can she take this F*ked up world?

Tired of the Pain.....


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Rebecca

    It was very good. keep writing

  • 17 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon

    Ditto 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Jake

    Very nice :) its pretty rad!

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Powerful and so true.keep it up