by xoxo Dec 27, 2007
category :
Life, society /
Issnt it funnyy how onee summer can almost changee yr wholee lifee..??how onee liee can totallyy breakk up a friedshipp..??how onee wishh can really makee a differencee..??nothiiin to mee ever makes sensee no moree....i want a lifee where my friendss tht ii thoughtt ii could trust wontt stabb me in the back countlesss timess...wheree the onee ii lovee kneww howw ii felt andd toldd me all alongg theyy feltt the samee...wheree happyy memoriess wouldntt bringg backk hurtfull tearss...where my hopes, dreams, and wishess actually meant somethingg...but then again we all wantt what we cantt havee.:/ |