Your first..

by xoxo   Dec 27, 2007

Dont you hate it that there always has to be a first
a first kiss a first time and your first love..
out of all of those you will never forget any..
for, you will never stop feeling the pain from your first love,
you always have that one person
that steals your heart and never gives it back
and its always hard to see that one walk away
but even harder to see them walk back to there first love.
the hardest thing is when your first love is still in love with there past
the one that ruined and destroyed them piece by piece..
the same way they just did to you
the knot in your heart thats wrapped with there name
jst keeps gettin tighter and tighter
with every night of tears drowning your feelings
along with your hopes and desires..


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Stunning and beautiful. i actually was thinking about that the other day...your first is something you always remember. but the whole-hearted true love is the one we all wait for! beautiful, thanks

  • 17 years ago

    by MyEscape

    How true...sooner or later, you let go to the pt. you can move on and truly love someone else whole-hearted and whole-souled, but you don't ever forget. that's true!

  • 17 years ago

    by anonymous lyrell

    Wow, i can relate to this poem =) nice poem!