A School Day

by Shaikha MB   Dec 28, 2007

Sitting in class,
Letting time pass,
Surrounded by twenty plus seven,
Not minus eleven,
The teacher is late,
But not according to the date,
The first bell sounds to call,
All students and teachers alike,
Your presents is required in the hall.

What comes next is the subject of respect,
Not that it's oblivious,
But then again it's not completely obvious,
The sound of heels down the corridor arises,
Causing an overwhelming silence,
But without a spec of kindness.

Rhythm & motion begins the commotion,
For lack of respect,
We begin to recap,
The lesson will start,
Only by a dart,
To continue a chapter,
Our brains refuse to capture.

Yes, a typical day has started,
Leaving no excuse to part it,
A single note,
Pushed to the back of my mind,
Gets me through the hours,
As I wait day by day,
Thinking just maybe someday
We might finally say,
Our work hasn't been in vane,
As we cross the lane,
Maybe someday
We might look back and say
With a book in hand,
There were no better days.
Little by little,
Time moves more freely,
Allowing speed to become an ally,
And the hours to fly by.

We study a language,
Above the number of one,
Racking our minds,
We try to recall our best,

Next is math,
A combination of three,
With a deliberate amount of dedication,
We can bring the day to an end,
To reach home with just a bit more education.


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