When Night Falls

by Shaikha MB   Dec 28, 2007

When night falls,
None can fail to understand the truth,
In all its forms,
It shall come,
Freeing and condemning,
Achieving and doming,
Shadows walk,
Old horrors arise,
Cries follow in the sleepy hollow,
Nightmares come true,
Death nears,
Yet the end is far.

I hide,
I lie,
With every fiber of my being,
With every bit of skin,
With all the lights dim,
I hide the truth,
Away, far from all,
Away, far from everyone,
From every eye,
And every spy.

I hope,
I pray,
Let none see through me,
Let none hear my heat beat,
Let none read it,
Let none read me!

So I hide,
What from is oblivious,
But yet so obvious,
I pray none see,
Let none see my fears,
Let none see my tears.

The fires rise,
Cries soon follow,
Smoke blurs hiding the years,
So the years fly,
And all hope fades,
Yet it all remains,
Lingering in some old tale,
In some old building,
Hiding away,
Deep and buried,
Away and far! Unwanted to be discovered.

I walk alone with no cover,
Late in the night,
When all the rain falls,
Darkness engulfs me,
But can not hide me,
Where old golf courts might have been,
And old schools,
Or maybe even men working in workshops with their tools pounding,
Be it pounding on cold wood,
Or pounding in damp soil,
They pound!

But no where close to the pounding of my heart,
With every foot step,
Every movement,
Every breath,
Every thought,
Every wonder,
Maybe I might cower!

The cold restless nights return,
Only to let the nightmares and ghosts fly,
To unleash them from the darkness,
To guide them in their coldness,
From the deepest layers of the earth,
From the heart of the soil,
From the core of my being,
All I fear if fear its self,
Even when there is nothing to fear!

What might I hear?
That can increase my fear,
And tear at me like a nightmare,
Unable to awake,
Unable to react,
Or even act.

As fast as a bat,
Creeping like a cat,
Away from everyone and everything,
With no particular difference!

My eyes tingle,
As they begin to sprinkle,
Covering my face,
For a worthy case!

Deep into the night,
The stars begin to shine,
In a moonlit sky,
When all sleep,
When all dream,
And all are dreamed of,
My case remains,
Engraved in souls,
Ached in harts,
Remembered by heartbeats,
And carried by the wind!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Not

    "I hope,
    I pray,
    Let none see through me,
    Let none hear my heat beat,
    Let none read it,
    Let none read me!"
    fave part..=] reminds me off myself sad but true,

    your poem is awesome it truly is a beautiful write, the feeling was sooo strong and i believe that becus what you said was so true and honest, keep writing!!..=]