Comments : Caution; I Might Just Fall In Love

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    Beautiful poem. i could feel the emotion and i liked the way you wrote this. :] and i espcieally liked the first line. and the poem as a whole was simply amazing. def. 5/5. :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Kenny

    Really fantastic, the emotions was well expressed, just great!



  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Hmm i impress this one than the first one i had read.. the flow was great even the message was portrayed well. it was sweet and it really made me smile at the last stanza ... powerful 5/5

  • 17 years ago


    First things first, Awh. :]
    It made me WANT to read on, & I'm defiantly not a fan of love poems, But you did really well.

    "Caution- I may do a strange thing like fall in love..."

    My favourite line out of the whole poem, Even though I think the stanza it was in didn't flow correct.

    "[Sweetheart, pause, inhale- now exhale quickly-]
    Tell me do you smell the beautiful aroma of love?
    I am beginning to believe it is getting to my head,
    Caution- I may do a strange thing like fall in love..."

    Repeating "Love" didn't work for me, Maybe if you rearrange the sentence so "love" doesn't fall last twice.
    Might just be me, But it threw me off.

    Other than that I loved it.
    Twas sweet. :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    Gosh all ur poems i've read so far i can relate to lol!!! keep up the great work!!!

    <3 i love you silly

  • 17 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Ultimately, this poem was incredible and I enjoyed it. There are a few spots that could have some touch-ups syllabication-wise for the flow, but other than that I saw few errors.
    I especually loved the last three words, "aroma of love" nice word choice


    not a thing in our way, = not a thing that's in our way

    Overall, good job.
    Rereading it, I think you could add one syllable to each line to make it flow better =]


  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Oh my I just loved this Amber! I love the titles your every one of your poems ... they really capture my attention and make me excited to read the poem.

    When the poem started out, a thought popped into my head ... this would make an amazing song. As I continued reading I was reading the words as if lyrics and even added my own tune to them which made it even more exciting to read.

    You took an overused topic and truly made it you own which is a hard task to do. I loved your word choice and everything just flowed beautifully. Everything about it was amazing.

    Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by MusoXDanielle

    Really feel the emotion in this poem!
    Loved it!
