Behind Closed Doors

by lisabrighteyes   Dec 29, 2007

Her father a brilliant selection for
Her mother who is perfection
Both wanting a verbatim reflection
Of their brilliance and perfection

She has His golden curls only golder
Her inviting blue eyes of ice, but much colder
Their flawless porcelain skin and strong, slender shoulders
A beautiful white smile but much, much colder

Talent and intellect she inherited from him
While being taught by her mother to be perfectly prim
She was expected to shine, to make others look dim
So she glimmered and glowed, while being perfectly prim

But behind closed doors where no one could see
Their world was not so perfect or pretty
Shame was her inheritance, from her perfect family
Where nothing was perfect or even pretty

Her father a drunk, always unpleasant
Her mother sleeps around to escape resentment
So much for all the envious contentment
Everyone is jealous of a home of resentment


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Good choice of wording used
    Great job, keep up the good work