Comments : My Fairytale

  • 17 years ago

    by Shinobi

    This is truely sad. It really puts you in despair once you descover that the one you love isn't interested in you. The way you wrote it was mooding and touching, I could really feel sad when I read at. Perfect all the way through. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by ABake

    Aww. The ending was heart breaking. I loved it though. The emotions were expressed beautifully and I could relate to the whole thing. Your flow was smooth and didn't break once in the poem.

    My favorite lines were>>
    But to my despair, a friendship. .or less was his desire
    This news was unbearable, and it set my heart on fire"

    Amazing. Again, a great write. 5.5

    Amber :]]

  • 17 years ago

    by Aussie

    It flows very well. when u conpared ur emotions to a fairy tale my thoughts completly change:)

  • 17 years ago

    by FridusBlueheaven

    Wow I really love your rhyme scheme!!! It's very extremely well done... I also love the emotion of this poem, especially at the last stanza!!!

    Well done job, it's worth 5/5!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Ohh nice fairytale! seems really interesting and its kinda a bit sad of piece! the story was great it really portrayed well and there are some few lines that really has a deep words and emotions.. great job5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Black Princess

    WOW!! that was awesome, and i know exactly how you feel, you may hear that alot but an already great poem is even better when you can relate to it and this was amazing. Well done 5/5 easily.

  • 17 years ago

    by christina

    Woah!! that was amazing!!!! U write great peoms i love fairytales...well done
    keep writing!!


  • 17 years ago

    by kate

    Amazingg. :D im in love with this one i love how like your heart is tearing apart [which it sucks] but its the feeling that you felt for this guy and you fell in love with him but in the end after you express yourself to him, he just didnt love you :| which isn't great because you had those feelings and it hurts.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    This was a really well done poem. You expressed your feelings so well, and the flow was amazing! I think we have all been there before it hurts so much, but the poem was so well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    This poem was very deep with emotion. i loved it. i can relate in this one alot.
    the wording was perfect and so was the flow. the title with the poem was amazing. great job. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Adelle

    This poem flows perfectly and I love how you portrayed innocence by using a child’s view of a fairytale love and then showing how cruel the world can really be. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Men

    Like most of your commentars before me I saw the beauty and at the same time the tragic of this poem.

    And also your rhyme scheme, was nicely done.

    Good Work


  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Wow. Such a heartbreaking poem, but yet, beautiful at the same time. You've taken a cliche' type of poem to write and turned it into something beautiful, and that takes talent. Amazing job, m'dear. Overall: 5.5

    -- Steph. <33

  • 17 years ago

    by TracyM

    Wow, I love this poem, it flows beautifully. So sad but something I can deffinately relate to. I love the choice of words. Deffinately 5/5. Loved it. Well written.

  • 17 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I agree this poem really described a feeling I have felt in the past, written with a rhyme that did not seem forced at all. This poem deserves the highest score.

  • 17 years ago

    by you will never forget me

    Wow this is absolutely amazzingg..great wording!..I love it. <3

  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Awh, hun.
    That is absolutely amazing
    Flawless, foreal!
    It flowed amazingly. and your words were so beautiful!

    I loved it.

  • 17 years ago

    by twistedlover

    I like it and i see you put work into it, some parts of it just seem like they just dont fit there, but i understand poems down have 2 rhyme. 4/5, comment any of myne in return thanks.

  • 17 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    Wow this is an amazing piece i love it the feeling it had the imaginative everything was perfect me love.


  • 17 years ago

    by Krysten

    Aww this is a really ad poem...but i love it. this is how i feel about my current bf now. he just sorta fell outta love with me. and i such a pain.

    this poem had great rhyme and word choice ads well as great flow. a 5/5

    The story should've gone in order, from beginning to the end
    But I didn't get my fairytale, the one I'd once imagined

    these are my fav lines mostly b/c i can REALLY indentify with them