Lost friend

by kla   Dec 29, 2007

When I'm Whit you just 1 on 1
Your are happy and nice and funny.
But when they come around its done.

I remember all the funny things we did
and jokes we had, and pictures we took.
and the stupid things we hid.

I remember how you were when we first met.
With my friends and i wasn't letting no one in .
and then we became best friends but i didn't no that yet.

You were at one school i was at another.
We hung out a lot, just me and you.
But then you came to mine and i 4got bout the others.

We had been friends for about 3 years before you came.
You had gotten all of my best Friends
but it still wasn't the same.

Next thing i knew the school year passed with drama.
And when summer came you really changed.
and it was always Kayla,(coma)

I had lost my best friend to drama queens
and stuck up girls who think they no u better.
And then you became a stuck up wannabe.

Hope Ur happy but when they find some one new.
I want bet on it that ill be there like i always was.
Don't bet ill be there waiting to help you</33



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  • 16 years ago

    by Dawnie

    People can be cruel like that sometimes adults can be it happen to me before i kept calling my friends to explain, to some it worked to some i won them back. itll work out your in my thougts