Bucket Of Flowers

by FridusBlueheaven   Dec 29, 2007

Title : Bucket Of Flowers
Written By : Fridus Blueheaven

A bucket of flowers waiting for an apology
They're smiling sweet, once they looked at me
In this life there will always a possibility
But the true answer will always be a mystery

A bucket of flowers looking for forgiveness
But sometimes everything may end to a mess
They want to cure the heart from madness
They can see well, but they're willing to see less

A bucket of flowers feel sorry for little lies
Little mistake sometimes too hard to recognize
A bad one has been trying to be that wise
Kindhearted one maybe there in disguise

A bucket of flowers, they're beautiful melody
Once they listen, only beautiful thing there to see
But I guess it's not me and it will never be me
I'm not good and looks like I'm just a sweet misery

A bucket of flowers will always be there to wait
Even if it's hurt, they won't lose their only faith
They believed that someday the door will open
And believed that huge mistake can be forgiven

A bucket of flowers have tried to make it alright
It's fine if it should be in the middle of the night
If it's still no, at least they've tried for it so hard
And they'll always there just to open your heart

2007 Blueheaven Entertainment (c)


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  • 17 years ago

    by chicago

    Whats up man i really like it so keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Wonderful poem...beautifully written and completely flawless... i loved it... its interesting how you took such simple words and made them stand out... great job.5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by JustKristina

    I like this poem, a lot. I love the way you used the flower's in this piece. It is so deep and heart-felt, im sure that anyone can take this and turn in into something that they can relate to, i know that i can. I know that you were trying to rhyme every line, but sometimes i think that it just didn't work. But it is a very hard thing to do, and i think that its okay.. just not to its full potential. Keep it up! :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Nelle

    This is amazing. I've never seen one like this either, and you wrote it very uniquely. It has a great idea behind it.

  • 17 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    Aw this is such a sweet and beautiful poem
    I really enjoyed this one. I really liked
    how you use "bucket of flowers" in the first line of every stanza to start it off.
    but i found one error
    -A bucket of flowers will always there to wait
    would it be: A bucket of flowers will always BE there to wait?
