Comments : Bucket Of Flowers

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    I really enjoyed this poem. It was different, and really powerful. I loved the concept. At some points it seemed a little rough, and I think the sentences could have been made alittle smoother, but maybe thats your style. I will have to read more thats for sure.
    Keep up the amazing work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Great job. It was a unique poem and i like it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    Good poem,its has a different style t is but thats why i love it!! .....................=)

  • 17 years ago

    by Alissa

    This was pretty good. I liked the format and the way you did it. But the flow was a little bit off. Try using the same syllables when you write. I have the same problem, it's really common. Just keep practicing and you'll master it. This was amazing over all.

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    Very well had a niice was cute!!! lol i gave you 5/5 because u deserve it!

  • 17 years ago

    by kate

    This was amazing, i love how you just use a bucket of flowers :] for everything honestly that is well said done.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Hmm i like the way u repeating the buket of flower it made me think what kind of flower it is.. hehe it also made me smile coz it sounds sweet and very worded..5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    This is such a beautiful poem. a way u used flowers to express the poem was very neat. and the word usage was excellent. great job..
    but in one stanza i think u forgot a word, im not sure tho

    A bucket of flowers will always there to wait
    Even if it's hurt, they won't lose their only faith
    They believed that someday the door will open
    And believed that huge mistake can be forgiven

    shouldnt the word "be" be in there in the first setance? jus wonderin.. 5/5

  • Aww, I really loved this one. The word usage was just perfect and the flow fit just perfect. Great job! 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Men

    Personification: Giving an inanimate object human attribute.

    This is what you did here, and a very good job of it.

    Yet your your sentences was a bit choppy in this one, and your flow was a bit off.

    Overall it was a good poem, not one of your best in my opinion but still a good poem.

    Keep up the good work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Black Princess

    Beautiful. Very interesting piece and different. I enjoyed it, the wording in this poem was great and the repativness of the 'bucket of flowers' was done well. Awesome job keep it up 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Beautiful ... it all flowed flawlessly and I was hooked from beginning to end. The imagery really made the poem for me because I could imagine everything clearly in my mind. The repitition of the title throughout the poem was effective in getting your message across. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by ellewen

    It was creative the way that you used the perspctive of a flower in various situations. That shows the many symbols of it. The imagery was great because you used an item, and your stanzas were great. Particularly the flow bothered me in some parts. But its still a great poem. Its just not my taste.

  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    Wow.. a flawless poem!
    "A bucket of flowers feel sorry for little lies
    Little mistake sometimes too hard to recognize
    A bad one has been trying to be that wise
    Kindhearted one maybe there in disguise"

    favorite stanza! damn yo.. there's nothing else to say but man this is seriously good! =] keep it up..

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie Naylor

    I thought it was a cute poem, but it was great, and the rhyming was good and didnt seem forced

    "But sometimes everything may end to a mess"

    i dont kno, it just might sound better that way, but still a great poem, 5/5

    Stephanie Naylor

  • 17 years ago

    by Nelle

    In this life there will always a possibility
    You need to add "be" in there, or take out another word, and there are some other small mistakes in there as well. Besides that it was really sweet.

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Very good.
    only thought is for the first line
    "A bucket of flowers waiting for apology"
    i think it would sound better as
    "A bucket of flowers waiting for an apology"

    but thats just how i saw it.
    ver great 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by suppressed

    Wow great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel

    Great one!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    This was a great poem i loved the message it put out really touching.5/5