Comments : Fall to pieces

  • 17 years ago

    by TeenXLoveXTragedy

    I really like this poem, its got a lot of feeling in it. Also wanted to tell you I love all your quotes and i think your an amazing writer. great job.

  • I love this one too....

    I can really relate to the part that says...
    Angry because you won't take my hand
    I know you hear me begging you, just please
    Aggravated because you don't understand
    This pain is spreading like a disease

    been there, felt that... unfortunately.
    5/5 for the poem, it's great, I think I might add it under my favorites :)

  • 17 years ago

    by girlnextdoor

    This is really good, I think you're a really talented writer. Don't worry about everything rhyming all the time though, poetry is an art, it comes from the heart and it doesn't need too much structure

  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    This is a a sweet poem and I really like it a wholle lot. Sometimes I wish that men would not talk, but just put into actions they way they really feel and what they think Like how you said your glass heart was beginning to crack.

  • 17 years ago

    by SpEcIaLmE

    I love this poem it is full of emotion and emotion of all differernt kinds.
    the way u started each stanza with a new emotion "confused" is really effective and creates more emotion and helps keep the reader actually reading
    the poem overall is very good and sweet, the flow was extrodianary
    excellent write :)

  • 17 years ago

    by bekka dollface

    Very very very very well written... like... amazing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Mackenzie

    Well written. much emotion. extremely great flow. i say u deserve a 5/5 tabi. haha. well done. i can relate to this poem in some ways. i love it tho.

    great job.

    much love,

  • 16 years ago

    by MissMeg

    Wow that was so beautifully written. The flow was wonderful, and you expressed your emotions amazingly. The poem was great. Keep it up okay

  • 16 years ago

    by Kayl

    Love love love this poem, your right, boys are hard to understand!

  • 16 years ago

    by MissMeg

    Wow that was a really great poem i enjoyed reading it. keep up the good work, it was beautiful.

    Envious of her lips on yours
    Do you think of me when they are?
    Miserable at the thought of these never ending wars
    I just know you are going to leave the worst scar.
    **that was my favorite part.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Bleak without my other half
    please just come back
    Worried never again will i hear you laugh
    i can feel my heart of glass begining to crack

    ^^^^When you are able to say that: please just come back, then you know it is real love.
    If it wasn't you would not think twice about a man who has already kissed another girl.
    Very good poem, you have put into words very well how you feel about this:)

    Take care!

    Ingrid 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    Omg, I thought this poem was so freakin great & we loved it very much. Keep up the good work (5/5)

  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    "Frustrated because I cant tell if its real"
    > "cant" should be "can't"
    "i can feel my heart of glass begining to crack"
    >"begining" should be "beginning"
    "Just tell me now, am i waisting my time?
    Curious, is this just one of those twisted faits?"
    > "waisting" should be "wasting"
    > "faits" should be "fates"
    "Baby face it its not just the distance"
    > "its" should be "it's"

    There are a few places where you need to capitalize your "I"'s.

    Other than those mistakes, you're all good. Nice write.
    *Chaotic Angel*

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Very good poem. I could feel the emotions as I read it. The wording was good and so was the flow. I gave it a 5/5.

  • 16 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    Frustrated because I can't tell if it's real.
    Please tell me this wasn't all a game.
    Mad because I don't know how you feel.
    I don't want to put out this flame.

    Its like being stuck in a web of love.
    I have this quote on my page
    "Why is it that someone can shatter your heart and you still love them with all the little pieces"
    ^^thats very true love does a funny thing to us all, don't you agree?
    Your objectives were strong like always. Great job. To me you are now known as a "strength writer" If you're not talking about being strong in actions, you are using strong emotions.