Comments : Reasons for walls: you

  • 16 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Soo true...this is all most reasonable girls ask their guy for,but most of the time guys just either dont understand or they enjoy breaking hearts.You're really talented...this is another good poem I've read of yours.Keep it up!

  • 16 years ago

    by TiMe hEaLs aLL wOuNdS

    Wow...u liked some heartbreaker...i no the feeling! well at least u wrote a really good poem from it! i love this poem! its sad but true....ur a really good writer! keep it up!

  • 16 years ago

    by Dance Girlie

    This is a really nice poem. Wonnnnderful topic [Boys are stuppid =P] and great flow! Love it =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Dennis

    Wow....I love it.
    I totally could relate to it..^_^
    good job...


  • I really love this poem. I feel this way too, it's hard when everyone is out just to break your heart. I'd say what part I liked best, but I loved all of it

  • I completly love with poem!! its amazingly awesome! 5/5

  • I'm commenting again, because 1. my first comment came out wrong & 2. because I'm completely in love with this poem. its a great poem.~Sam~

  • 16 years ago

    by desiree

    Great poem.

    I <3 it (To all the guys out there)



  • 16 years ago

    by DeViN sCoTt

    That was a really good poem.. its really true it needs to be dedicated to all the guys out there! i love it! <3 :) keep up good work!


  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Good flow in this tug at your heartstrings piece! A write many can relate to. Nice job!

  • 16 years ago

    by Mackenzie

    Well tabi.
    u've done it again.
    another great poem.
    i love it.

    5/5 all the way.

    much love,

  • 16 years ago

    by FREEtoFLY

    This sounds like something my best friend needs to be telling her ex boyfriend who is just messing with her. Telling her he loves he, then telling other girls he loves them. What can i say...he's got her on a string.

    Lovely poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by mAy

    Th!sZ p03m m!Gt b3 0LD,buT ! L0v3 !T...!Ts tru3 thAT guYS shuDnt pr0m!s3,3sp3c!aLLy !F !Ts s0m3th!Ng th3 h3 kn0wS cuD b3 br0k3n,h3 myT n0t kn0w !t y3t...

    !tSz b3Tta wh3n th3y sAy
    [[!Ma trY r3aL haRD n0t t0 huRt]]
    thAn saY!N
    [[! w0nT huRt y0u]]<<L!3!

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    The ones that tell you it will be forever either lie or know little about life yet.
    Nothing lasts forever and although there are people who stay together their whole life long those are exceptions.....
    Breaking up is not such a bad thing to do when you have grown apart, but to stay in a relationship for all the wrong reasons is so wrong...both parties will stay unhappy.
    Great poem, as always:)

    Take care!

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    Wow. I really liked this one. It was brilliant.

  • 16 years ago

    by 0oAshleyo0

    Never hold my hand
    if you're going to break my heart

    ^^ i love this line. ppl think that "holding hands" means nothing these days. but to some, like me, its the lil things that matter, that make me get attached and when you get separated form things like that it feels as though your heart is breaking.. in short, you said all that in this very line. i love it! great job!

  • Well i agree wid ashley in every word she said
    plus tht i truly feel how much ur hurting and broken inside
    and u r ryte,never say anything wen u dont mean it

    keep writing tabii and never stop:)



  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    I hate it that people can do that to each other. Great poem. I gave it a 5/5. Keep up the great work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    Wow, this one gave me goose bumps.
    This one i have to say is my favorite. I love your message and the truth behind each word. This makes me want to show it to all my guy friends.
    They think that the little lies don't hurt and it won't effect anyone....but they do and sometimes it hurts really bad.
    5/5 well deserved
    you are a great writer, once again a strength writer.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    This sounds really familiar...hmm maybe I read it but never commented it. Anyway on to the poem…

    "Never say your going to call,"

    "Never say your not controlling,"

    I liked the repetition here because you got what you wanted to say across nicely. The meaning behind your words were filled with an immense of power and strength showing youre done taking the BS and want him to man up. Im sure many could really relate with this because we have all come across a guy like that. The message was clear here which shows how guys and actually people in general say one thing but then do another. Its easy to say something but when the action actually takes place then that shows that person is trustworthy, Well said hun.

    Nothing left to say but that I truly enjoyed this.