Fifty Dollar Woman

by MissSideways   Dec 30, 2007

Shattered pieces of the glass
that glitter from the floor.
Blood that can not wash away
but always had before.

Stained too deep to scrub it out
the rancid smell sets in
from men who'd had their way with her
inside her world of sin.

Darkened eyes are journal for
the drugs that numbed her senses.
As sinful lips would touch her own
she'd pile up her defences.

Thickened skin and sunken eyes
This girl is slowly fading.
Sickened by their dirty cash
& horny serenading

The little girl inside of her
was all she had forsaken.
Hopes & dreams lay unfulfilled
with every drug she'd taken.

Cheating men & secrets kept
have weighed her spirit down.
Death will coming a-knocking soon.
In tears, this girl will drown.

Memories of a distant past,
of smiles she wasn't faking,
of loves that didnt leave her bruised,
float just beyond her taking.

She stares into the glass that shines.
She sees her soul is crying.
Tears that sting her torn up face,
reflect the girl thats dieing.

He gathers up his clothes & leaves.
She throws up on the floor.
Hundreds reached their ecstasy,
but left her wanting more.

No one wants you, harlot.
So lock that heart up tight.
Fifty Dollar Woman.
Half price sale tonight.

Cheaper than cheap. Analogous to all those who render their soul less than its true worth.


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  • I love it. it is so sad what some women put theirselves threw like you said... it is horrible and you porttry their pain so reastically. i love all of your work you are and amazing writer.

  • 17 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    Well done, great description for the girl, wonderful indeed! 5/5

  • My God what descriptive passion, what truth dressed in such utter grandeur! You r an amazing poet, i wish i could get wer u are. but, as we true poets know, a true poet writes for his heart..but very GOOD job man! keep it up! your really blessed by God in Heaven, He has truly given u real talent.