To Every Guy

by Jess   Jan 1, 2008

To every guy that was real
Who didn't act like a jerk
To every guy who treated her right
And didn't compare her to dirt

To every guy who thought about sex
And knew it could wait
To every guy who told her she was beautiful
And didn't use her as bait

To every guy that would drive miles
Just to see her beautiful face
To every guy that believed in her dreams
And knew there was such a place

To every guy who walked her to her car
And ran to open the door
To every guy who gave his heart
His everything and more

To every guy who gave her flowers
When she was sick or down
To every guy that made her smile
Even if it meant he had to frown

To every guy that would die for her
And he really would
To every guy who offered her the world
Or just what he could

To every guy that took her hand
And held it with pride
To every guy who wiped her tears
And never made her cry

To every guy who hugged her
With no reason at all
To every guy that caught her
And never made her fall

To every guy who gave up his jacket
Just because she was cold
To every guy that keep all the secrets
That she ever told

To every guy who wanted to cuddle
And have her in his arms
To every guy who made sure she was safe
And promised to shield her from harm

To every guy who kissed her with meaning
And knew love isn't a game
To every guy that did what she wanted
And didn't care if he was tamed

To every guy that would give up his seat
Just so she could sit down
To every guy that was dedicated
And who was always around

To every guy who would see her for a minute
After waiting ten hours
To every guy that showed he cared
And would climb any tower

To every guy who prayed she was happy
Even if meant your not
To every guy who knew he had a little
But with her he had a lot

To every guy who wished the best for her
Even if it meant not with you
To every guy who was honest
And who was always true

To every guy who didn't hit her
When you was in raged
To every guy who gave her a mind
And left her out of the cage

So to every guy who does this
I want to say thank you
Because your probably don't hear it often
And get appreciated for what you do

All the nice and wonderful guys in the world rarely get appreciated for the things they do so I wrote this poem just for those guys...... I thank you so much

Please vote and comment it would mean a lot to me and I'll return the favor


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  • 16 years ago

    by Josh

    Thank you.
    first off this is an amazing poem. its really deep and thoughtful, second being a guy that fits all but two of those thing i really appreciate you writing this. it means a lot to us to get some recognition for the sacrifices we make. Im lucky to be with someone who does show her appreciation for what i do but i have been on the other side as well. so thank you very much and keep up the great work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexa Eudis

    Aw i love it! its really great that you gave a shout-out to the good guys. there need to be more of them!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Katy

    I Found My Guy Like That =]
    This Is A Great Poem, Extrememly Well Written
    With Feeling Too =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Jackie

    If only guys like that were out there..

  • 17 years ago

    by Nic39uy

    Those guys do come once in a blue moon...but if you're patient enough it will pay off...