My Last Goodbye

by Kalee   Jan 1, 2008

As I write this letter
I keep thinking
About the time
We have spent together

Of when I was down
You would make me happy
But this is one time
That even you won't help

I go back through
All the messages you have sent
Trying to stop myself
From thinking about doing this

You are the first guy
I have ever loved
But I have put you
Through too much pain

So tonight I will end
All the pain and suffering
That I have put you through
So you won't be in anymore pain

After tonight my so called love
Will mean nothing
As this is my last letter
And my last goodbye


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  • 16 years ago

    by ShyandHurt

    That was amazing. The way you subtly hint what is to happen with such intensity...beautiful.

  • 17 years ago

    by GretaInsideOut

    Hey, I loved this poem. Probably because I can relate to it. But I also think a lot of people could, as love is so hard to let go of sometimes. Well done.
    Greta x

  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Gosh this poem was intense, it told of a story that i hope has never happened, love is pure.

    5/5 david