Writer's Block

by LoveKeepsMeStrong   Jan 1, 2008

I stare at the blank piece of paper and think about what to write
Nothing springs to mind. Nothing seems good enough
Yet I need to write just something to make me happy
It doesn't have to rhyme. It won't be perfect. I just need something

I have my first experience of writer's block
So I think about you instead.
You told me to write our poem. That's what I want to do.
But every time I start I just don't like it.

I really want to write it, to surprise you with its sweetness,
While still making it dirty. I just can't at the moment
I'll do it someday, hopefully with help from you
When I don't have writer's block, when my mind is full.

A poem, with no purpose is what this one is
Snow Patrol and The Enemy are playing in the background
I blank them out,
I concentrate on this poem. To give it something.

But it doesn't work, so I'll just ramble
About how annoying this is.
But then I smile because I'm not bored anymore.
I'm writing and that is what I like doing.

Myspace, Facebook and Msn all take second priority now
The poem is all I'm thinking about
It's the usual story when I'm writing.
It's the usual story when I'm singing.

The chorus to You're Not Alone seems so powerful
Like it always has done.
And yes that has nothing to do with this poem
But has anything in this poem?

And finally I feel guilty
Because I've wasted some of your life, writing about nothing
Now I've had my first experience of writer's block
And I think I dealt with it quite well. =)


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by applecheeks

    I hate writers block it sucks good job of making a poem about blanking out

  • 17 years ago

    by Nina Star

    Hey! You wasted some of MY life!
    Lol just kidding.
    It's cooel. =D

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