Closest Thing To Perfect; Farthest Thing From Me

by FlawlesslyTarnished   Jan 2, 2008

Although you have your flaws
And imperfections, as do I
To me, you're simply perfect
Perrless through my eyes

You're always such a jerk
But your sweet side sometimes shows
You've told me that you cared
And I'm glad you let me know

My love for you burns with no end
And my heart belongs to you completely
You're the closest thing to perfect
But the farthest thing from me

You don't always know what words to speak
Or how to make my problems go away
But you can always make me smile
And give me hope to live another day

You're not the brightest person in the world
And half the time, you're clueless as can be
But still, my heart belongs to only you
For it aches in pain for you; and bleeds

I accept you with your flaws
You're amazing, don't you see
And you're the closest thing to perfect
But the farthest thing from me. .

© 2008 WilTED.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jo Anna EL

    Wow i loved it.your poems really help me.this one relates to me in so many ways. I dont care that people have to comment about your tiny mistakes.I liked it for what it was.And it was beautiful and so amaxing...
    you amy not be the person in your poem may be close to perfect but i think what really is perfect is your poem...
    ~Jo Anna EL

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Beautifully penned... very impressive work...
    loved it..

    I accept you with your flaws
    You're amazing, don't you see
    And you're the closest thing to perfect
    But the farthest thing from me

    loved this stanza the most specially the last two lines...

    great work...

  • 17 years ago

    by XxToWriteLoveOnHerWristxX

    Nice poem its sweet and sinister at the same time. hes perfect but not yours..amazing..
    5/5 !props!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley

    Yes i can truly relate, but i spent alota time trying to convince one that he is perfection in my eyes... great poem... nicely written... it explains a story very well

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    I have just GOT to say the title was AMAZING. I can never think of any good titles for my poems. This poem was both sweet and sad. I wanted to cry and say "awwww" at the same time. I love poems that can do that to me. Your use of words was amazing as well. Once again, fantastic job! :]

    Cayce xx

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