The drama of high school

by ImTheGirl   Jan 2, 2008

Remember the drama of high school
When everyone talked behind each others' back
When you lost a friend almost every week
Because of some reason this or that

Remember the drama of high school
When the opposite sex was always on your mind
Homework always came second
And sometimes never if you didn't have the time

Remember the drama of high school
The laughs, the fun, the fights
How you did stuff that was all wrong
But at the time felt oh so right

Remember the drama of high school
And how it was that one person you couldn't stand
And you swore if you ever got the chance
You'd beat them down just because you can

Remember the drama of high school
And all the teachers that seemed to be crazy
They always seemed to come down so hard
Or maybe it was because we were lazy

Remember the drama of high school
And walking out of class just because you could
Counting down the days 'til graduation
And then you�¢??d be out there for good

Remember the drama of high school
And how sometimes you wish you could go back
But then you think about all the drama
And the way phony people use to act

You realize that you left that all behind
All the backstabbing and jealously
Yes it was fun but we must move on
No more talking about him, her or me

But then of course there are the people
Still caught up in high school drama
Those still caught up on the he said she said
And still taking 'bout yo mama

The people who lived for the drama
And swore they were so cool
The people who were the drama
The drama of high school


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  • 17 years ago

    by AmandaRose

    Im still in high school,
    taht pretty much described it lol