Dont worry about what people think

by applecheeks   Jan 3, 2008

They sit there in their smug arrogant costume that they wear so openly. Passing judgment where judgment is not deserved. Their lies and looks are like poisonous venom, they wait for the perfect attack, and they strike and sink their fangs of untruth, wrath and jealousy into your heart. They play on the enemys playground. They are selfish, prideful and easily inconvenienced.

You are protector, provider, helper, hard worker, looked down upon for your kindness and good deeds. You feel beaten down and kicked, drug thru the mud of their vicious attacks. You are caring, loving, thoughtful, and yet you are never praised. You give of your time, your cook, taxi and caregiver, yet you gain no respect or earn no wage. Your goodness is taken for granted, you feel like giving up but never will.

HE sees all you do, HE rewards your kindness and nothing is hidden from HIM. HE values you, respects you, and bends down to lend a hand when you feel left for dead. HE whispers, Come to me , you who are weary and weak, you who feel rejected, spit on, tired, exhausted, confused and tormented. HE not only sees all that you do, and is good, but HE sees them the evil they harbor in their hearts, the lack of love, the selfishness, and it breaks HIS heart. HIS word to you would be not to give up for all that you do does not go unrecognized, HE loves you, always has, and always will.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Joshua Grider

    I can tell you have a very sweet heart and mind.. :)