Life alone

by damont   Jan 3, 2008

Waking up to this life alone
a sad story so many times told
without a lover without a care
but you wish you had a love there
taking a hot shower but cold inside
waiting for your baby to enter but no one comes by
getting dress was the good part
she always took it off later
now its just a burden to yourself
missing your baby who always played the host
now you turn and kiss the air goodbye
forgetting she not there and apart of you dies
you continue on the whole day just going for the ride
get home hoping to change the tides
you listen to your messages no one has left
missing the voice that your warm heart felt
getting ready for bed is next in line
go to your room no woman to find
under your covers you lie at night
and wait til the sun shed light
only to relive this dreadful life all over again
till something or someone brings change


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  • 15 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Too sad :( Jk it was really sad but I loved it!
    Lots of emotion, can feel the loneliness throughout. I hope things get better for you and there is a change. Great Job :) 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Aww, what a sad poem you have written!
    Were your really that alone?
    I like the style, keep writing too:)

    Take care,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    I really enjoyed this poem
    It has beautiful expression and meaning in it and really made me feel like thats how it would be to have your lover not there by your side.

    "get home hoping to change the tides
    you listen to your messages no one has left
    missing the voice that your warm heart felt"

    I really enjoyed that line. So sad and wistful.

    overall a really good poem. Good work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Beatrice

    Really good poem. It expressed feeling in detail. And it had a great flow. Great job. 5/5

  • This is very well writen shows alot of emotion...good job 5/5