Comments : Whats the point inliving?

  • 17 years ago

    by BlEeDiNg FoR tHe OnE i LoVe

    I flippin love this poem!!! check out mine leave a brutal i wanna know da truth

  • 17 years ago

    by 0BrokenBella0

    I love this poem. It's amazing. I give you 5/5. I'd go higher if I could. Keep writing, and please check out my poetry. Nothing as good as yours, of course, but still. Keep it up.

    <3 bella

  • 16 years ago

    by Maria

    I love this poem <3 it's like you have put my thoughts on paper ..

  • 16 years ago

    by Marie

    Wow. its beautiful. it gave me chills. but i guess thats just cause i can relate to it. good job.

  • 16 years ago

    by FaithHopeNLove

    Im tingly all over from reading your poem. Thats exactly how I felt two years ago. Every line, every word. It speaks a truth for the pain that every one endures. A wise friend once told me, "the man who kills himself in dismay is nothing but a coward. The man that faces and overcomes his hardships is brave. But humans do as humans are and we all have our flaws. Just think about it more than twice before you dig your grave." Ur poem has so much raw emotion. I hope your life takes a better turn soon. But its a great poem and I'm sure everyone can relate to it. Your a very talented writer, so keep writting and good luck.

  • 16 years ago

    by tears in heaven

    WOW. oh my gosh. that poem put tears in my eyes that was from the heart i could feel it. i think you keep things inside and are afraid to show them

  • 16 years ago

    by jennifer leigh

    I know exactly how this feels.
    This brought tears to my eyes because I can releate so much. It made me feel as if I was back in that frame of mind. I dont know if this is just a poem or if there is something behind it, but it will all get better.

    Keep up the amazing work. I hope to continue reading more from you.


  • 16 years ago

    by Its Jessiika Baybee

    I realli like your poems,, veri original,,,,

  • 16 years ago

    by Its Jessiika Baybee

    I realli like your poems,, veri original,,,,