Why do you keep coming back into my life
when I'm about to let go
why whenever I'm about to fall for you again
fate shouts saying no
why every time you promise me something
you prove you don't really care
why you keep talking about your feeling
when it was never really there
why you say forever
then suddenly disappear
why when i tell you i don't want you
you start to be always near
why you get upset when i say
I'm with someone else now
why you get jealous sometimes
i just can't figure out how
why when i tell you am in love with anyone else
you try hard to get me back
why i always leave them for you
when they have every important thing you lack
why you make future planes
about me becoming your wife
why every thing you do
proves that we can't share a life
why you talk about us
having a home and our first kid
why do you talk about things
that you never did
why when I'm afraid
you give me secure
why you say you love me
when you aren't even sure
why you say those things to me
and act so sweet
why whenever i need you so
i turn to find an empty seat
why you hurt me badly
and leave me so broken
why you told me these stupid reasons
you had better left it unspoken
why whenever you broke me
you expect me to forget
why don't you know what you want from me
stop being always don't know yet
why you showed me every beautiful feeling
through this one kiss
why you said you want me
when you didn't mean all of this
why whenever you give sweet memories
you take them all
why don't you catch me
when I'm about to fall
why when I'm about to trust you
you always prove me wrong
why if i don't mean anything to you
you lied to me all along
why don't you just say it
I'm sick of all these stuff
why can't you just say "i don't love you"
i don't need your reasons,,this will be enough
why can't i just forget you
and put an end to all of this mess
why can't i move on
because i still love you...i guess