Tell Me You're Sorry With A Straight Face

by Jenni Marie   Jan 3, 2008

Seems every single day you're apologizing
Yet I'm still dubious about your words
For you can't even look me in the eyes
And enjoy it immensely when I hurt

Seems every time I'm yelling at you
You're laughing right in my face
No longer do you claim to love me
In your life and heart I have no place

Yet you're still uttering those words
Like they'll magically fix everything
Never caring about the pain I feel
Or all of the tears that you bring

Can't you show any compassion
Instead of only anger and distaste
Prove that once you did care for me
Apologize to me with a straight face

**For A Contest**


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lu

    Seems every single day you're apologizing
    Yet I'm still dubious about your words
    For you can't even look me in the eyes
    And enjoy it immensely when I hurt
    This stanza shouts pain. And you are so correct .... apologizing with indirect eye contact just makes one want to yell at the top of their lungs .... LIAR!!! And you have expressed that word in this stanza so well.

    Can't you show any compassion
    Instead of only anger and distaste
    Prove that once you did care for me
    Apologize to me with a straight face
    Gosh how I can so relate to this stanza ... when all we are looking for is a sincere apology ... an apology with a snickered face is like ... a knife carving into our heart.

    I really like this read ... you paint a sad yet colorful picture.
    I find the title to be a little long and gives away much about the poems content before reading it ... but if it is for a contest then that can't be helped I guess ... lol

    Well done hun, looking forward to reading more

  • 17 years ago

    by sexyCheckers

    ...Maybe shorten the title a little? (If its for a comp.)

  • 17 years ago

    by sexyCheckers

    Wow; This is amazing...

  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    That is seriously one sweet poem... 5/5!!

  • 17 years ago

    by musiqlover015

    I love it

More Poems By Jenni Marie