I dont understand

by ilovetimothym   Jan 4, 2008

I now understand, just how much you meant to me!
I now understand, I crowded you way to much!
I now understand, it was really love that we had!
I now understand, you were always there for me!
I don't understand, why your love for me faded!
I don't understand, why i still love you!
I don't understand, why I'm still hanging on to you!
I don't understand, why my heart still melts when I'm around you!
I don't understand, why my heart still beats for you.

I understand, but i don't!!!!

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  • 17 years ago

    by ilovetimothym

    Yeah. it hurt me so much when he left me, i almost died.

  • 17 years ago

    by ilovetimothym

    Thanks for the comment girl, i dig out of my soul

  • 17 years ago

    by NiCoLe ErIn

    Not knowing/understanding is a very hard thing to deal w/.........but it makes a good poem!....

    ~*NiCoLe ErIn

  • 17 years ago

    by ilovetimothym

    Thanks its about my ex boyfriend that i love with my heart and soul. its been 4 months and im still hanging on. how do you let go of someone you hold so dearly to? someone you would do anything for, no matter what the cost?

  • This is short but very understandable you did a good job...and i can relate to this lots good job 4/5

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