Another Lie

by always the same   Jan 4, 2008

I am breaking down,
I am falling apart.
I hoped that this would never happen,
Now I have a broken heart.

Now these tears stream down my face,
And I am telling you right now I am not okay.
I am just pulling myself along,
To make it through yet another painful day.

I am not happy anymore,
I always want to cry.
I wish someone could help me through...
I wish my smile was not a lie.

I want someone to love me.
I want someone to take my hand.
But no one seems to get me,
Nor do they understand.

Why can't I just be perfect?
Why can't anything just go right?
Why can't I stop,
Crying myself to sleep at night.

I have tried to stay strong.
And I have tried to hold on like nothing is bothering me.
But now it is getting really hard.
Can't anybody see?

I feel so alone sometimes.
And you don't even know I do.
I feel so alone sometimes,
And all I want is you.

But that is never going to happen.
So why should I even try?
I want to say I'm over you.
But that would be another lie.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Dark Shadows

    A 5/5

    You are not alone.

  • 16 years ago

    by nayee

    This is brilliant.
    much better than ANYTHING I've EVER written, posted on here or not.

    and I can relate to your feelings, I went through that not too long ago.

    chin up hun, and keep smiling.
    you have talent!
    5/5 xoxo

  • 16 years ago

    by Melody Christina

    Ok. Beautiful Poem!!! 5/5
    This is exactly how i feel right now!
    Hope you are over him already....and i hope i will stop crying one day tooo. T_T
    take care

  • 16 years ago

    by C P Sharma

    We all have a sense of incompleteness and an urge to fill up that gap because we are truncated souls. Those who can introspect feel it more intensely to connect with the missing link. Your poem perfectly catches up thar spirit. The whole poem flows so well and its simplicity is deeply impressive. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Fake Facade

    really great poem.
    emotional too.

    definately 5 out of 5