A million Times

by SweetSuicide   Jan 4, 2008

I have seen you a million times
And every time I see you
I fall in love with you all over again
My heart starts to race
My frown turns into a smile
And all my worries are now in my past
When you smile at me my heart melts
You give the sweetest hugs
Every time you hug me
Your smile is like a new day
Your sense of humor is like no other
The ability you have to make me smile
Is all you need you love me
Your laugh is so soft and sweet
Just looking in your eyes
Makes me melt inside
Your lips look so soft
Soft enough to kiss
You, yourself relive me from all pain
Your hands are as soft as a pillow
The way you comfort me is amazing
Every time we say good-bye
I start to cry
I say good-bye to you too many times
I said good-bye to you a million times

Copyright SweetSuicide 2008


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  • I really like this one and I've felt that way before so it is a poem easy to relate to.
    I'm lost with the line....
    Is all you need you love me
    I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say and it looses me.

  • 17 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Wonderful write

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Strong. Very strong. Not too deep, but very strong. Good piece.

  • 17 years ago

    by shantavia

    That is a beauitful poem