Comments : Tell Me

  • 17 years ago

    by Its a love story


  • 17 years ago

    by Its a love story

    This poem reminds me of when this guy told me that he wanted a "break" and we never got back together. And he hurt me so bad cause i waited on him for so long. Read my poems if you'd like (i am new and i only have a couple on here for now) Can you please tell me what you think and rate woul be greatly appreciated! :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Noelle Wright

    Great poem.. very sad though hope this isn't true =( but if it is look on the bright side you got a great poem out of it =)

    Noelle Wright

  • Great job like this alot and deffently true everytime i hear someone say lets take a break even with my friends saying it to there bfs/gfs they always end up breaking up...good job 5/5