Sodemized and raped

by kimberly   Jan 4, 2008

She thought he'd never hurt her
but that day she was wrong
she thought he was perfect
they always got along

he fed her lies and bull shit
that hurt her in the end
he always said he still loved her
but he was a deceitful friend

he had some guys hold her down
so he could put it in
he bit her neck so hard
he nearly broke the skin

he held her in the house
wouldn't let her leave
he thought she wouldn't tell
her lie he believed

he sodomized and raped her
while his friends enjoyed the show
they held her down to help him
while the hate began to grow

she felt dirty and used
scared to walk alone
she took a quick shower
all the marks were shown

she prayed to god that night
that he would take the pain away
that he would take her life
that she'd be in heaven to stay

but god never answered her
hopefully he will
because someone was allowed to hurt her
and she feels the pain still


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  • 17 years ago

    by Brittney Follett


    Personal Comment:
    I am so sorry this happened to you, I've had a similar experience and it still haunts me, the pain is still there.. it happened over 6 years ago. I don't think the pain will ever leave but I have learned from the experience. Stay strong and hold on. Don't give them the pleasure of seeing you suffer.

    Poet Comment:
    This poem was beautifully written. You put so much emotion into it. The only thing you could do better is try and eliminate some of those repeating words (he she that) so it will become a little smoother. And capitalize each letter at the beginning of every line(poetry grammer :P lol) I think you could use a little help with one line and one stanza:

    This line: while the hate began to grow

    instead of "the hate" how about "her hate" ?

    And in this stanza the message was clear and strong but the structure needs a little help:

    but god never answered her
    hopefully he will
    because someone was allowed to hurt her
    and she feels the pain still

    How about:

    But sadly, God never answered her
    Though someday, he hopefully will
    'Cause someone as allowed to hurt her
    And she can feel that pain still.

    Maybe? Well if you don't like it, thats okay. Just trying to help :)

    This was my favorite stanza:

    he fed her lies and bull shit
    that hurt her in the end
    he always said he still loved her
    but he was a deceitful friend

    Beautifully Written


  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    I agree With Storr. They need to know what pain feels like...The pain They're causing the other person. If you ever need someone to talk to i'm here. I'm on at least once every night and I'd be glad to talk with a fellow poet and someone who knows the pains of life as I'm sure we all know on here.

    Keep writing you have potential!

  • 17 years ago


    Good poem.
    i know just how you feel sweetie.
    if you need to talk im here

  • 17 years ago

    by kimberly

    Thank you for your feedback

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