Comments : The Power of Words

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a wonderful poem. So full of feelings of love. This brought smiles to me. God job!
    Take care
    Happy New Year

  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    That was soo beautiful. the words te structure everthing was perfect.
    my fave part was

    "I'm sure you can tell when in my eyes you do see
    How amazing I think you are, you mean the world to me"

    that was really nice =) great job keep it up
    luv dora xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Soft Rain

    Beautiful many emotions and feelings. Great job :-) 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Ohhhhhh I love this. This is amazing.

    Your opening stanza is just beautiful, it holds so much depth and emotion that I'm instantly drawn into the piece.

    "You're my everything, is how this fantasy did start
    These simple words triggered, stealing each others heart"

    ^^ I adore those lines. My favourite. I found them to be incredibly sweet and moving and filled with so much passion and love that I almost turned to mush inside.

    3rd stanza:
    You certainly have a way with words. This was so intense and heart warming. It was almost like I could feel everything that you were describing.

    "The adventures we have shared are mesmerizing to me
    I'm sure you can tell when in my eyes you do see"

    ^^ I thought the flow was just slightly of here...maybe try

    "The adventures we have shared are mesmerizing to me
    I'm sure you can tell, for in my eyes you will see"

    It just seems to flow better that way for me. Just a suggestion dear =)

    Last stanza:
    Beautiful! Just beautiful. What a fantastic ending stanza for this heart warming piece. I found this stanza to hold as much depth and emotion as the rest of the piece together, and it was so beautifully touching that it brought a smile to my lips.

    I love this.

  • 17 years ago

    by JEFF

    Your a great young write. loved it. 5/5