At night

by DreamGirl   Jan 4, 2008

When I lay in my bed at night thinking about all the funny and ridiculous mistakes I've made that day.Closing my eyes about to pray,songs in my mind some happy some sad,and in the way,listening to people talk and say...

I open my eyes and begin to pray,thank you god for the things today.I love you with all my heart,i am sorry I acted bad and made you sad,I am sure tomorrow I'll be good,please help me God,so I would.

Every day is so unique,so you cant be promised to take that special peek.You might not be alive tomorrow,or even next week.At night when I go to sleep,hopefully on and on I want weep.

At night all things most wonderful happens,you close your eyes begging of sleep.

You wake up in the middle of the night ,hoping to get the sleep you need,and wake up in the morning with all of Gods glorious plead.



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