Watching myself die

by anissa   Jan 5, 2008

Tonight my thoughts travel in my mind
the ones that make me cry
they keep replaying my mistakes
and show the people who hate me
i watched as family turned to be enemies
and my closest friends just left
i watched myself cry and pick up the knife
and cut away the sorrow
i could see people around me
just watching
not caring
the people just watched and i cut to my last breath
some laughed
and some just wanted me to go faster
i sat on the floor with tears in my eyes
and wishing i could have bin better
i watched the blood leave my Bobby
and i slowly started to fall
the people just watched and stared
as i closed my eyes and with my one last breath
i whispered i was sorry
i watched myself fall into my own death
wishing i could have stopped it
the world around me was crashing down
the blood the pain the sadness...
it was all finely gone
and i finely made people happy


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  • 17 years ago

    by xoxkatrinaxox

    Ok i love it..flows so nicely and it is wonderful 5\5. Great Job!!

  • 17 years ago

    by mikaella

    I love it. Your description is beautiful and your a great writer! you should check out my poems and comment!!!