
by kacy   Jan 5, 2008

that is all thats left to say
we cant dwell in yesterday

Fingers sometimes cant hold grip
when things are done and over with

Turning your back is all thats left
when the day is over
when the night is still

Past is the past
Future is up ahead

that is all thats left to say
we cant dwell in yesterday

Sometimes you just have to walk away
leaving the feeling to float astray

We cant hold on
cant look in your eyes
this wont work
lets just say our good-byes

Good-bye that is all thats left to say
we cat dwell in yesterday


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  • 16 years ago

    by WrittenInTheStars

    First of all you need to work on your spelling and punctuation. It just makes your work look neater and it's just easier to read.

    Also your poem starts out kind of rhyming and then you stop and start. It makes the piece hard to follow and it seems very choppy. So maybe you could fix that up and try to make it a bit more structurally sound.

    As for the message of the poem I think it's very strong. But the spelling and punctuation errors kind of cover that up and drag the whole poem down.

    But I think this poem is really very good otherwise and it deserves a 5/5 for the amount of emotion and everything else that you have put into this poem. Great job. Kepp it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by paul alexander

    Very strong
    but it hurts

  • 17 years ago

    by Sharon

    Pretty good poem. Make sure you check your spelling just makes it look neater