Can You ___ As I ___

by Aage Crow   Jan 6, 2008

Can you feel as I feel this sudden rush
And wish as I wish that it would come to a hush
Do you hear as I hear the sudden screaming
And drown it out as I do with music blaring
Never will it ever end, am I right
I'll suffer this late into the night
And in the morning it will start again
Leaving me thinking of what to do then
Is your heart as my heart full of pain
But your mind as my mind is still desperate for gain
Do your hands as my hands shiver in anger
And do you feel as I feel trapped in a chamber
Do you pound at the doors of your horrible cage
Could your write your life in a book and fill every page
Can this story really keep going
Will the tragedies just keep growing
Are you seeing as I'm seeing the end of every life
Would you feel as I feel the need to sharpen a knife
To make this nightmare come to an end
Because outside of it is a world to defend
But do you realize as I realize that it is real
And do you cry as I cry just so you can feel
That you want this to be the end of the dream
You want to stop your heart from ripping at the seams
Do you sleep as I sleep if I laid down in a coffin
And will you try as I try to let my heart soften
So that I can love again and feel an embrace
And see as I see a caring face
Would you die as I die holding on to my last breath
Or could you sigh as I sigh with the discomfort I catch
Because heaven isn't as beautiful as I'd like it to be
And my corpse is still floating across the sea


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  • 17 years ago

    by HiddenPoet

    You have created an awesome way of setting up your poem. And you have produced something awesome, even though it is sad.