What you wanted

by kimberly   Jan 6, 2008

I walk alone by myself
as I wonder why I'm here
why do I live this life
my thoughts are what i fear

i wish I had a blade right now
I'd slide it across my wrist
I'd show you how i feel
then I'll make a twist

I'd bleed all my pain away
I'd bleed away my fright
I'd make you happy some how
I'd finally do something right

I'd actually make you see
how you make me feel
I'd make you see
how these cuts won't heal

this time I will cut
deeper than before
while I'm bleeding
I'll lie on the floor

so you can see what you caused
or the pain you create
but when you get there
it'll be too late

you'll see me lying
there and dead
don't start crying
you liked it when i bled

i gave you what you wanted
you gave me what I'd need
but one thing you said I would'nt do
is try and succeed


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah Nicole

    Great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Jay

    Propa deep love it 1 of my fav 1s of urs x

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    You really can put great emotion into your poetry.
    I think the only thing you can with this is capitalize the things that need to me and spell out all those words (u to you) It might not seem that big of a deal. But there are really anal people out there who will rate you lower for that (if you care). It also goes to show that you not only care how it comes out.. but how it looks.

    Excellent Poem


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