If someone asked me about us
I'm sure I'd have to think before I opened my mouth
And I'd open by saying, "Well you gotta know,
There's not a thing right about us
We don't do anything right, not at all
I mean really? She's the guy, I'm the girl
I'm the romantic, she's the realist
But we don't judge one another
We pick random songs to be 'our song'
And continue to go along with it, just for fun
We get drunk and carry each other home
Then we fall asleep while we're kissing
I guess it's safe to say we've settled each other down
But that doesn't explain how terrible we are
At talking on the phone, or not calling out flaws
And mistakes that make us smile
All these little, stupid things are what make us
The way we are, ridiculous together
But people see us and know we're special
From the kisses on the forehead to the cute hugs
So I guess there's one thing right about us
After all, we love one another..."