I Unwillingly Left His Past Behind?

by FlawlesslyTarnished   Jan 6, 2008

Someone once asked me if I care about him truly
About not only him, but his life as well
And that's when I started thinking, "Do I really?
Or do I only care about the past on which I dwell?"

Do I care about his family life and problems, too?
Do I love him only for what seems to be?
I'm suddenly overcome with countless emotions
That are too confusing to deal with for me

Am I so horrible to not care about his life?
Am I so selfish and careless that I am so blind?
Am I so focused on our intertwinement of nonexistence
That I unwillingly left his past behind?

The things I'll never know or figure out
Exists between this guy and me
I don't know what it is exactly
But I know I'd give him an eternity. .

© 2008 WilTED.


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  • 17 years ago

    by lost and incomplete

    Beautifully expressed emotion and lucritive feather light meanings ... nice one X

  • 17 years ago

    by Robert

    A different poem I must say but it was done in such a very special way I liked it alot the flow was good the message abit off the wall but kudos for originality

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    I love this piece. You picked great topic to write a poem and you truly wrote this piece greatly. I can relate to this piece in a way which makes it even more powerful for me.
    Meaningful poem, very deep from the beginning to the end.
    My favorite stanza is:

    - Someone once asked me if I care about him truly
    About not only him, but his life as well
    And that's when I started thinking, "Do I really?
    Or do I only care about the past on which I dwell?"-
    Amazing introduction, it pulled me straight into this piece.


  • 17 years ago

    by Lemma

    Aww really sweet, especially loved the first stanza, sucked me in to the rest of the poem =)

    Em xXx

  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    The flow wasnt that great on this one.. i think some of the lines were a bit long..maybe if you seperate them it would read much better... but overall it was still a good poem. 5/5.

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