Way of life

by crystaljean88   Jan 6, 2008

Mind full of thoughts,
And days filled with pain.
Wishing things could be betters,
Why wont these problems obstain?

My life isn't perfect,
Its far worse than you know.
You think I tell it all,
But many things I don't show.

I cry tears at night,
Then Fall fast asleep.
Take those little red pills.
To hide my emotions down deep.

Living life is never easy,
But it shouldn't be this hard.
Now having thoughts of suicide,
Never should I let down my guard.

This poem isn't the best,
But it really don't matter.
I'm hurting deep inside,
Slowly dying, faster and faster


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Cassie

    This poem is really emotive. i really enjoyed that.

  • 17 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    This poem is really powerful.. you say this poem isn't the best but that doesn't matter... as long as you write and let your feelings out.. that's all that matters... great job!

    My life isn't perfect,
    Its far worse than you know.
    You think I tell it all,
    But many things I don't show.

    I really enjoyed that stanza.. people think they know everything about us but they don't have a clue of how someone's life really is. Excellent job!... keep it up and thanks for the comment =)

  • I love the way you write your poems, you do a very good job with them even if you don't mean them to be perfect. Great job with it! 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    Awe. sad poem. but good.
    i been through this kinda thing.
    and it always sucks to feel like this.

    "Living life is never easy,
    But it shouldn't be this hard.
    Now having thoughts of suicide,
    Never should I let down my guard."

    those were my favorite lines! :] 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxTaegan Emilyxx

    Wow, really deep and emotional. i really like it.
    but please cheer up :]
    Taegan Emily

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