Let's fly away (Rondeau)

by Ingrid   Jan 6, 2008

Let's fly away together, my sweet love
To that place we always dreamed of
Our tears and suffering left in the past
To rejoice in a love forever to last
Come be with me, my turtle dove

So many years spent in agony and pain,
searching for love and indeed not in vain.
Be my forever sunshine, my angel of love
Let's fly away....

So unexpectedly the sun started shining
when you walked into my life, smiling...
You broke through my walls and won me
Swept me off my feet and made me see
you truly love me and left my heart singing
Let's fly away....

A Rondeau is a French form, 15 lines long, consisting of three stanzas: a quintet, a quatrain, and a
sestet with a rhyme scheme as follows: aabba aabR aabbaR. Lines 9 and 15 are short - a
refrain (R) consisting of a phrase taken from line one. The other lines are longer (but all of the
same metrical length).


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  • 16 years ago

    by Crystal Rose Blooming

    You were a recommended read and I'm so glad I did. What beautiful words you have constructed for us to enjoy. I'm one that is in love with love ^-^ your poems are amazing .

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    When you walked into my life, smiling...
    You broke through my walls and won me
    ^^ i really really really loved how you worded this i mean i just started dating this new guy and i swear he did just this i feel like i had spent so much time guarding my heart and making sure no one could get in to hurt me than he just giggled and smiled at me with eyes locked and i just lost it!

    great poem! i mean emotion and everything was right on : ) 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Wonderful Rondeau, Kudos!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Chase

    I love the way you write the type of poem!!! I enjoyed reading this as well as learning about the style!! ^___^!!! Lovely!

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    This is a very cute poem I loved it a lot...i heard many love poems which are similar too others yours is different but great ....=)