A Place Of Peace

by x3ForeverCanHappenx3   Jan 6, 2008

A place of peace
To swim with the sunrise,
And gaze at the sunsets.
To bath in the sand,
And obtain tranquility.

I can take you places of treasure,
Capture your soul as you gaze at my glitter.
Rest on the sand,
Watch light turn to dark.
Walk hand-in-hand,
And leave your foot print for a moment.

Write letters on my shores,
Stand on my rocks.
Here me calling, and watch me roar.

Remember me and my place of peace.
Look back some day,
Remember you have no worries, you’re at ease.
For one Moment, you just may


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    I agree...I have to say that I really like your poem. I think that the nature section of this site has to be where one can find really wonderfully written poems. They arent old and dull like so may other love poems Im sure even mine fall into that category once in awhile. I found your work very interesting. Keep up the good words and may all your writings bring you peace.

  • 17 years ago

    by Milo

    Nice, simple, and just amazying. Keep it up